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Gordon A. GregoryGordon passed away late in 2022 after a distinguished and acclaimed career in labor and employment law. He was a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and its Law School and, after serving as Assistant General Counsel at the International Union UAW, founded the firm that continues to bear his name. In his nearly 70 years in the legal profession he was instrumental in the creation, development and protection of the rights of unions and workers in the public and private sectors. Gordon’s skill, wisdom, tenacity and good humor set a standard that all of us at the firm strive to maintain.
Since 1960, GREGORY, MOORE, BROOKS & CLARK, P.C. has been providing exceptional legal service and advice to labor unions and working people.
Grand Park Centre
28 W. Adams, Suite 300 Detroit, MI 48226 313.964.5600 | 313.964.2125 fax |